Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I sit here tonight and wonder. I wonder how much my life is going to change. We all know how much life changes when a child comes into our lives. We have been touched in a way like none other. Each child has amazing qualities. Each one give you something so special that is their own. Something so special and never to compare it to the other. There is no comparison. Each child gives you a special gift all of their own and one that is to be cherished forever. They all love you in their own very special way. You have a very special relationship with each and everyone of them. I have been so blessed to have experienced all of this. I have had three such a wonderful gifts in my life. I love my daughter Katie in a way that I can't even explain. She is a very spunky loving person that you like to be around. She makes you laugh and just enjoy life. We have a wonderful relationship that I will treasure forever.She is the joy in my life and I am so proud of her.I enjoy every moment that I get to spend with her and Cherish every second. I thank her for taking the time to enjoy it with me. My boys each had their own way that we got along. Each one so different but, so special. Tim was the quiet one but, very loving and loved spending time with me cooking. Kyle was the more outgoing one. He had quite the social life but, never hesitated to include me in his plans. He would always want all of his friends to come to his house. He would always say OH! my mom doesn't mind. I loved that and that is the way all of my children felt. What a lucky mom I was and I knew it!
Well, now a new chapter is going to happen in our lives. This one very special little girl doesn't even know how much joy she is going to bring onto our lives. She is so much wanted and so loved. I am just so nervous, she has no ides that her life is about to change and that we are going to take her away from the only life that she has known. I just hope that it is an easy transition for her and that it isn't too hard on her. We will be there for her no matter what. We will love her with all of our hearts, comfort her and just be there through this adjustment in her new little life. She is truly a wonderful gift. She will change our life forever.
Emma, we are on our way! We love you already and can't wait to hug, kiss you and make you smile.

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