Saturday, October 18, 2008

WE FINALLY ARRIVED! sorry for the late post

Hello everyone, Sorry that I didn't post sooner but, by the time we arrived yesterday and I had A hard time I had getting on my blog so I gave up.
We left at 5:00 AM Thurs. morning and arrived here in Beijing at our hotel at 6:00PM Friday Beijing time. So, you can see why I was so exhausted. In 28 hours I had only 2hours sleep. When we got here last night, we went right out to dinner and then went to a market to pick up water and anything else that we needed.
Our flight was uneventful except, (THANKS JIM B.) we got bumped to first class the whole way to China. What a treat. We were treated so special. They took really good care of us. It was always what would you like Mr or Mrs Crisman? This first class in the one you see in movies. The one with the sleeper chairs and you can pick your own video. It was wonderful from the minute they came and got us. Right away, would you like some champagne Mr or Mrs C?
Let me explain. We have these really good friends Melanie and Jim. Jim is a pilot for United and I guess he let some of his friend know that we were going to China(THANKS JIM). Well, we w
had gotten to our seats and were getting setteled in and then all of a sudden the pilot came and asked if we were the Crisman's we said yes and he wanted to congratulate us on the adopton and have a safe flight. He proceeded to hand us his card and that was that(THANKS CAPT.BOB). Then all of a sudden the fight attendent came and aske if we were the Crisman's and we said yes. She asked how many bags we had and we said one. Could you please get the and follow me. We thought that she was going to put us in business class but, she said that I have two seats in first class but, they aren't together. I thought, I was thinking that we wanted to be together and I wanted to be with our travel group. Well, some nice women moved and Erik and I were one in front of the other. What a wonderful surprise. It could not have been a better trip(THANKS JIM) We were feed well.
I finally got to bed around 10:00 woke up two hours later and was awake until about 2:45 when I broke down and took an advil pm. It worked and I woke up about tow hours later.
Sorry if there is spelling mistakes but, the internet is slower than my fingers.
Hugs to everyone. Katie I miss you. Sorry I am having a hard time posting pictures. I will have to catch up in the next post and try to fix it.


Doreen said...

Glad to hear you made it and with such class!!!!!

Doreen in Montreal

the mommy said...

You lucky dogs.. That is awesome.. Glad you are there safe and sound...

Lori said...

Woo Hoo !! Love the upgrades ....Glad you had a nice trip. Going to read more of your posts now.
